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تشرح نده ساتل شوې. مخکې لاړ شه؟
Liwal Android Support 1.3
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Liwal Android Support version 1.0 released On 11 July 2014,,with Pashto and Dari system level input method for Android. Was downloaded by thousands of users around the world and enjoyed typing Pashto in their android devices applications.

Liwal Pashto Support Version 1.1 was released with Pashto auto complete and easily switching to English keyboard. Liwal Pashto Support 1.2 improvement to the installation and enabling Pashto keyboard, dark mode and Pashayi language characters were added.
Install a free version of Liwal Android Pashto Support 1.2 from Google Play.

Liwal Android Support Version 1.3 was released on Pashto Day 29 May 2021 and it features emoji support, more special characters and optimization for tablet.

It is worth mentioning that MCIT & ATRA of Afghanistan was claiming 90% of the Afghanistan covered by GSM services, provided by five private and governmental companies, having millions of customer and billions of revenue form the users. But none of the these companies considered to enable their phones with input methods and interfaces to support national language for proper utilization. It worth mentioning that below 1% of Afghan population can read and write English. As philanthropic move, Liwal again reached to the national rescue and developed Liwal Android Pashto Support so user can utilize the GSM services.
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Liwal Android Keyboard stores all data on the device locally.
This data includes new words typed by the user.
No data entered by user is transferred.
Liwal Limited

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